

The .network top-level domain (TLD) is a new internet extension intended for businesses and organizations that operate networks, such as telecommunications, internet service provider, and network infrastructure companies. It is the same as .net, the difference is that net, is short for network and came before the .network TLD. The .network TLD offers a more specific and recognizable environment for these types of companies to establish their online presence.

The .network TLD is also intended to be more secure than traditional TLDs. This is because of the technical operator of this TLD, Identity Digital, uses cutting-edge technology for all of their TLD's to protect against phishing, hacking, and glitches. provides it may also require HTTPS encryption for all websites using a .network or any Identity Digital TLD. These restrictions help to ensure that users can feel a little more secure when visiting a website using a .network TLD and further builds trust legitimacy for .network or any Identity Digital TLD.

In addition to increased security, the .network TLD also offers a more professional and organized environment for businesses and organizations that operate networks. With the proliferation of network-related websites and services in recent years, it can be difficult for users to find the specific website or service they are looking for. By using a .network TLD, these businesses and organizations can create a more professional and organized environment for their websites and services, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for.

Despite the .network TLD being created with telecommunications, ISP's, and network infrastructure companies in mind, it has gained some steam with in the tech and web3 industry. Those within the web3 community have really developed an affinity for the extension. In fact, the web3 crowd really seems to embrace all types of extensions. The most popular extensions being .com, .org, .io, .xyz, .co and .net. Maybe, the appeal of the .network TLD to the web3 crowd, is due to cryptocurrency and other web3 projects being a type of digital asset that is built on a network that is dispersed among numerous computers. Whatever the reason, the .network extension seems to have garnered some attention from the above mentioned industries.

Overall, the .network TLD offers a number of benefits for both businesses and users. It provides a more secure and trustworthy environment for users to access network-related websites and services, a more memorable and recognizable domain name for businesses and organizations that operate networks, and can help to increase the visibility of such websites and services in search engine results. It is an excellent TLD for these types of companies, and they should consider registering a .network domain name for their websites and services, especially if teir desired ,com name is not available.

Ceramic.network is a decentralized network that allows you to browse a marketplace of data models, plug them into your app, then save, update, and retrieve data from those models, Ceramic makes creating applications using composable Web3 data simple.

Calimero.network | Blockchain Private Sharding Solutions

Calimero.network is a web3 company specializing in privacy and security. Calimero allows you to safeguard your data while utilizing all the commercial advantages of open-source blockchains with secure private shard architecture.

Flare.network is an EVM Layer 1. Flare.network is built to enable open, decentralized and safe interoperability between blockchains and between blockchains and web 2. 

GramFree.network | Blockchain 

GramFree.network is a blockchain-based digital project that can execute millions of transactions per second while being quick, secure, and scalable. It is made to be incredibly scalable and to compete with Ethereum's smart contracts and decentralized apps.

Waggle.network | Primary Markets For All

Waggle.network permits small-scale investors to take part in primary market investments while giving project teams more money to maintain their discoveries.